The National Institute’s President reviews our activities in 2021.
2021 Gold Medal Gala
You are cordially invited to the 107th Annual Gold Medal Gala, honoring Kwame Anthony Appiah, Henry Louis Gates, Jr., and Amartya Sen. After a year-long hiatus imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, we are delighted to announce that this event will take place live in person on Thursday, December 2, 2021, from 6:00 to 9:30 pm Eastern Time at the Metropolitan Club in New York City.
Tickets and tables are limited. Reserve your spot today!
What's Next for Opera? (video)
On September 23, 2021 the National Institute and Trustee and opera star Angel Blue presented an entertaining virtual discussion among a diverse panel of opera professionals who shared how they have adapted during the pandemic and what they expect to happen to opera in the future. Moderator Marc Scorca was joined by panelists Anthony Roth Costanzo, Denyce Graves, David Lomelí, and James Robinson.
2021 Dissertation Grants Awarded
The Grants Committee of the National Institute of Social Sciences has selected Emma Gilheany, a doctoral candidate in Anthropolgy at the University of Chicago, and Francisco Lara-García, a doctoral candidate in Sociology at Columbia University, as the joint winners of its 2021 Dissertation Grant competition.
What’s Next for Opera?
In Memoriam: Chauncey G. Olinger, Jr.
2021 Gold Medal Honorees Announced
The National Institute of Social Sciences is delighted to announce the 2021 Honorees for its Gold Honor Medal for distinguished service to society and humanity. This year, we honor three accomplished scholars and public intellectuals: Kwame Anthony Appiah, Henry Louis Gates, Jr., and Amartya Sen. These Honorees will be celebrated at the 107th Gold Medal Gala, which will be held in person in New York City on Thursday, December 2, 2021.
Healthcare after the Pandemic (video)
On May 27, 2021 the National Institute hosted an entertaining and enlightening virtual panel discussion between two expert panelists discussing lessons learned during the COVID-19 pandemic and what we should be prepared for in the future. With participation by Christopher P. Austin of Flagship Pioneering and 2019 NISS Gold Medal Honoree Paul Edward Farmer of Harvard Medical School and Partners In Health.
Healthcare after the Pandemic
Please join us for a fascinating and informative virtual discussion forum featuring two prominent healthcare experts who share their perspectives on what lessons we have learned from the COVID-19 pandemic, what mistakes were made, and what we should be prepared for in the future of global healthcare.
The Future of Food under Climate Change (video)
On April 29, 2021 the National Institute hosted a virtual panel discussion among four expert panelists about the complex issues surrounding food and how to feed humanity in the face of climate change. With participation by Eleanor Sterling of the American Museum of Natural History, Kyra Busch of the Global Alliance for the Future of Food, Will Rosenzweig of UC Berkeley, and Don Taylor of AmplifiedAg, Inc. Moderated by NISS Trustee Angela Cason.
The Future of Food under Climate Change
Diversity in Cultural Institutions: Challenge and Response (video)
On Thursday, March 25, 2021, the National Institute hosted a virtual panel discussion among four expert panelists discussing how cultural institutions are addressing the challenge of increasing diversity in their staffing, collections, and public outreach. With participation by Tom Hill of the Metropolitan and Guggenheim Museums, Kate Markert of the Hillwood Estate, Mary Pat Matheson of the Atlanta Botanical Garden, and Margaret Morton of the Ford Foundation.
National Institute Launches 2021 Dissertation Grants Program
Diversity in Cultural Institutions: Challenge and Response
2020 Year in Review
National Institute Members Elect Trustees for 2021 – 2022 Term
2020 Gold Medal Gala Honors Max Stier, Darren Walker, and Judy Woodruff
On Wednesday, December 2, 2020, the National Institute held its 106th Annual Gold Medal Gala online as a socially-distanced virtual event. National Institute President Fred Larsen presented Gold Honor Medals to this year’s honorees, Max Stier, Darren Walker, and Judy Woodruff, for distinguished service to humanity.
National Institute Sponsors “Three Minute Thesis Competition” for the American Anthropological Association
On November 13, 2020, the National Institute partnered with the American Anthropological Association to sponsor their novel “Three Minute Thesis Competition,” which the AAA presented in connection with their 2020 virtual event series, “Raising Our Voices.”
2020 Dissertation Grant Awarded
106th Annual Gold Medal Gala
You are cordially invited to the 106th Annual Gold Medal Gala, honoring Max Stier, Darren Walker, and Judy Woodruff. This 100% virtual event will take place live on Wednesday, December 2, 2020, from 6:00 to 9:30 pm Eastern Time.
Tickets and tables are limited. Reserve your spot today!