2024 Dissertation Grant Program
The 2024 Dissertation Grants Program is now closed. This page is for information purposes only.
Please check back for information on the 2025 program.
The National Institute of Social Sciences (NISS) invites nominations for its 2024 Dissertation Grants Program. NISS Dissertation Grants are designed to support outstanding Ph.D. students who need resources to complete doctoral work that promises to significantly advance their fields of study. Any accredited U.S. university that awards doctoral degrees in the social sciences is eligible to nominate a graduate student for an NISS Dissertation Grant.
For 2024, NISS once again seeks nominations in the fields of Anthropology, Economics, History, Political Science, Psychology, and Sociology. Interdisciplinary projects that include one or more of these fields as a major component may also be considered.
preferred Disciplines
Any accredited U.S. university that grants doctoral degrees in the appropriate social science field is eligible to nominate a graduate student to receive an NISS Dissertation Grant. Each university may nominate up to two (2) candidates per grant period. If a university nominates more than one candidate, they may come from one or more of the disciplines listed above.
Number & Size
of Grants
For 2024, NISS anticipates making several grants in amounts ranging from $2,500 to $5,000 each. NISS may consider granting larger amounts on a case-by-case basis.
Covered Expenses
Grants are given as unrestricted funds which may be used to cover any necessary expenses related to completing a dissertation, including but not limited to travel to a library or archive, photography or photocopying, field research, and conference support.
Nomination Requirements
Each nomination must include the following information, emailed as instructed below:
Completion of the NISS 2024 Dissertation Grant Application Cover Sheet (click to open fillable pdf for downloading and printing)
The nominee’s CV
The nominee’s personal statement of no more than 750 words describing the project and the planned uses for money requested
A one-page project budget
A letter of support from the nominee’s academic sponsor that addresses the nominee’s
academic qualifications and the merits of the nominee’s research
Note: All documents must be submitted in pdf format, with numbered pages that include the nominee’s name and university name in the footer.
Incomplete applications will not be accepted.
Deadline, Schedule and
application Process
Nominations are due no later than Monday, May 6, 2024, at 5:00 pm Eastern Time. We expect to announce the winner(s) in June 2024.
Nominations must be submitted via email (as pdf attachments) to grants@socialsciencesinstitute.org. The nomination must be emailed by the university’s provost, or another officer specifically designated for this task.
Please contact Suzanne Farrell, Grants Committee Co-Chair at grants@socialsciencesinstitute.org